Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Endorsement in Glens Falls Mayor's Race

The Business First PAC has interviewed Judy Villa White, Jack Diamond, and Bud Taylor. All three are seeking to become the City's next Mayor in the special election to be held on Tuesday, November 4, 2008. The questions asked of each candidate focused on the following issues: shared services, regional collaboration, reducing the City's tax burden as well as water and sewer rates, capping increases in the City's property tax levy, and their experience. All three of these candidates deserve the appreciation of the City's residents and businesses for their willingness to lead in a time of great challenge in the City and for their past, current and future commitment to dedicate a great deal of their time, energy and expertise to making Glens Falls a great place to live, work and own a business. Stay tuned for an endorsement announcement.

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