Wednesday, October 22, 2008

PAC Endorses Bud Taylor in City's Mayors Race

The Business First PAC today announced that it has endorsed Bud Taylor in his bid to be elected Mayor of the City of Glens Falls, on November 4, 2008.

To reach this decision, the PAC reviewed the votes and statements of Jack Diamond and Bud Taylor during their tenure as elected officials as well as during this campaign. The PAC also considered the private sector business experience of these two candidates as well as their service in elected office, and their volunteer leadership in the community. In addition, the PAC interviewed these two candidates as well as Judy Villa White in early October with questions focusing on their positions on the following issues:
* Reducing the City’s tax burden
* Committing to cap increases in the property tax levy
* Efforts to share services or to consolidate specific municipal operations
* Support for a regional solution to the City’s water and sewer challenges.

“The City is fortunate to have outstanding candidates all of whom are committed to the City’s continued revitalization running for Mayor, but our PAC believes that Bud Taylor’s private sector experience and extraordinary service to our community in a range of elected and appointed positions makes him the best choice,” noted Chris Scoville, Chair of the PAC’s Board of Directors. “Bud Taylor agrees with the Business First PAC that the City’s tax burden is too high and that the next Mayor must champion efforts to reduce City expenses, to share services with area towns and the County, and to create a regional solution to the City’s water and sewer challenges.”

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